Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not just an empty phrase for us, but a deeply rooted conviction and commitment. PARSA Beauty follows the concept of responsible corporate management and is actively involved in corporate social responsibility. As a company, we want to set a good example and assume social responsibility by giving back to society. Our social commitment strengthens society and supports in overcoming social challenges.


Despite our global presence, the regional is particularly close to our hearts. As a German family-owned company, we sell PARSA Beauty products worldwide, but since our founding more than 30 years ago, we have been headquartered in the beautiful Kraichgau region, more precisely in Sinsheim, Baden-Württemberg. Our ties to the region are reflected in our social commitment. Most of our donations in kind and money go to associations and institutions in the vicinity of Sinsheim.


Our efforts primarily benefit children, young people, sports clubs, homes for the elderly and workshops for the disabled. With our popular beauty products, which provide everyday support for skin and hair, we want to help these institutions benefit from our donations.


In our CSR efforts, we focus on several core areas:

ISO 9001

The ISO 9001 standard is the most widely used standard in quality management both nationally and internationally. The implementation of this standard ensures a process-oriented quality management system in which we document all key operational processes and put them to the test, creating opportunities for optimisation and focusing on customer satisfaction.

IFS Broker

IFS Broker is the standard for auditing the service compliance of brokers, commercial agents, distributors and importers. Thanks to our IFS Broker certification, we can ensure that our products comply with legal regulations and the product specifications of our customers by means of the implemented processes. The health of the end consumer and the level of quality are therefore our top priority. As an IFS Broker certified company, we are therefore one of the most respected companies in the industry among brand owners and retailers worldwide.


FSC® stands for “Forest Stewardship Council® ”. It is an international certification organization for responsible forest management. FSC® helps to preserve forests and protects the interests of people and animals who live in or from these forests. Through our FSC® certification, we ensure a sustainable supply chain for our FSC®-certified articles, from the forestry operation to the end product.


We use the CSR assessment to show what responsibility we take as a company for the impact of our actions on society. Here we look at the core areas of human rights, working conditions, the environment, fair competition, consumer issues, community involvement and development in relation to ourselves and our suppliers.


The ISO 9001 standard is the most widely used standard in quality management both nationally and internationally. The implementation of this standard ensures a process-oriented quality management system in which we document all key operational processes and put them to the test, creating opportunities for optimization and focusing on customer satisfaction.


The Global Organic Textile Standard is a globally applied standard for the processing of textiles made from organically produced natural fibers. It defines environmental requirements along the entire textile production chain as well as social criteria. With our GOTS-certified articles, we provide credible assurance for our consumers, from the cultivation of raw materials (e.g. organic cotton) to environmentally and socially responsible processing through to the end product.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct describes binding standards as guidelines for actions and decisions at PARSA Beauty. It defines the conduct towards employees, customers, suppliers, authorities and the competition. Attention is always paid to compliance with all legal and statutory provisions. Social responsibility is also taken into account. In addition to respecting human rights and social standards, environmental protection and sustainability are key values at PARSA Beauty.